Active shooter drills are a main reason I’m glad we homeschool. In public school in third grade, my daughter’s teacher couldn’t understand whether the principal had said “Lock Down” or “Lock Out” over the PA (two distinct commands that sound awfully similar). She stuffed as many children into the supply closet as she could… while those who couldn’t fit were left out! There was a yellow, vertical “sight line” painted on the wall, presumably to mark off shooting range from the classroom door’s window. The kids left out cowered beyond the sight line. What a freaking terror to those children!
We moved to the countryside in 2020 to escape pandemic hysteria in the metropolis. When in Rome… My daughters and I attended a gun safety class where we learned to identify whether guns were loaded or not, and whether the action is open or closed. We practiced target and clay shooting. We enjoyed it. I don’t see ever owning a gun; however, I am in favor of Constitutional rights for responsible gun owners to have adequate personal protection (not automatic or high-fire weapons). I educated my daughters, since many of our neighbors have legal guns for hunting and sport, and I wanted them to recognize danger and understand responsible use.
Those poor kids. The question of homeschooling always comes up in online parenting spaces in the wake of these school shootings, and I totally get it, even though I can't see myself homeschooling my own kids. It does make me resent the fact that probably some families (and most likely, especially mothers) who wouldn't otherwise choose homeschooling may feel coerced to contort their own lives and livelihoods around this situation, rather than the situation itself changing.
This is so elegantly rendered for such a ghoulish aspect of American life, particularly for mothers. A gorgeous reflection.
I so appreciate this from you, K <3
Active shooter drills are a main reason I’m glad we homeschool. In public school in third grade, my daughter’s teacher couldn’t understand whether the principal had said “Lock Down” or “Lock Out” over the PA (two distinct commands that sound awfully similar). She stuffed as many children into the supply closet as she could… while those who couldn’t fit were left out! There was a yellow, vertical “sight line” painted on the wall, presumably to mark off shooting range from the classroom door’s window. The kids left out cowered beyond the sight line. What a freaking terror to those children!
We moved to the countryside in 2020 to escape pandemic hysteria in the metropolis. When in Rome… My daughters and I attended a gun safety class where we learned to identify whether guns were loaded or not, and whether the action is open or closed. We practiced target and clay shooting. We enjoyed it. I don’t see ever owning a gun; however, I am in favor of Constitutional rights for responsible gun owners to have adequate personal protection (not automatic or high-fire weapons). I educated my daughters, since many of our neighbors have legal guns for hunting and sport, and I wanted them to recognize danger and understand responsible use.
Those poor kids. The question of homeschooling always comes up in online parenting spaces in the wake of these school shootings, and I totally get it, even though I can't see myself homeschooling my own kids. It does make me resent the fact that probably some families (and most likely, especially mothers) who wouldn't otherwise choose homeschooling may feel coerced to contort their own lives and livelihoods around this situation, rather than the situation itself changing.
This is so incredibly powerful. Thank you for putting words to the things that are so hard to describe.
Thank you for writing this, Gray.